At the heart of the Reggia di Caserta

Royal headquarters that mark a return to its origins

Since July 2016, the Consorzio di Tutela della Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP has its offices in the Regie Cavallerizze [The Royal Stables] of the Palazzo Reale di Caserta. Never before has the Italian Department for Cultural Heritage made this kind of collaboration agreement with a high-quality Italian food industry.

The Consortium’s offices inside the Reggia di Caserta are not solely a royal conclusion to a successful pathway. They also represent a fundamental “return” to its origins. In effect, it was the royal Bourbon family who initially developed, precisely in the adjacent Reggia di Carditello, the first experimental cheese making enterprise together with a buffalo farm that included records in the stables in which the history and names of the animals were noted down, normally fairly close to those of the members of the court.

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